Westland Greenstone

Westland Greenstone was established in 1962, it was the first retail and factory outlet in New Zealand. Westland Greenstone only ever sold Greenstone, bone and paua shell jewellery until a few years ago when we slowly introduced things such as general souvenirs, skincare, clothing and our two most popular brands Ice Breaker & Evolve.
In our factory, you will find craftsmen and women at work producing fine jewellery and ornaments from quality New Zealand Jade sourced locally.
Customers can walk through the workshop/factory and watch them at work, talk and ask questions while viewing the images on the walls showcasing over 50 years of jade extractions in the mountainous river regions of the beautiful West Coast.
Stay and shop a while in our large showroom amongst the beautiful greenstone jewellery and sculptures, New Zealand crafted woollens, Sheepskins and Footwear, Skincare products, T-Shirts, Paua Shell jewellery and ornaments.